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September 10, 2008



Hope you're all doing well. Glad Hannah was a non-event for CFVB.

A little shameless self-promotion...I made the CF Montgomery page. http://alabamacrossfit.typepad.com/alabama_crossfit/

Brian S

I guess I should have called to verify the 0645 this am. I'm going to perform mass quantities of burpees.


Hell yeah, Andy, push em hard.


!!Go Andy!!
*That was done with a some big cheerleading claps followed by a Herkie*...mabye we are a bit too close to the the Wild Gym.

Wow..check out the big...truck. :-)

Scotty (over seas)

Pat and Thomi figured I'd start showing my times over here, as rxd 4:20. Wish I was there to enjoy the fun see you all soon.Take care Scotty


Also could you let me know if that was a good time for Diane or not? Obviously don't have a reference over here. Thanks Scotty


10:11 155# w/ 1 abmat..was still doing my first set of hspu when gerry called TIME!



That's a very, very strong time for Diane. I'm not going to get anywhere near that today. HSPUs are my arch enemy. Thanks for posting your times, bro! It's very cool to check out everyone's times on the WODs, whether they are done in our gym or not. Stay safe.


9:38 as rx'd-plus 3 minutes on PR, not awesome

rob n

6:10?? at 185 #'s

rob n

great job 2 pm class....gerry, you crushed it!


11:10 at 75# and Bl/Gr bands... + 4 Burpees!


What do I not want to see come out of the hopper?.....J.T. What's the next thing I don't want to come out of the hopper?....Diane.

14:35 as rx'd (HSPU's were ugly, but they were the best I had!)


9.48rxd BCD#4


17:20, box push-ups, 185(1st 13)/165 deadlifts


Diane didn't want to see me today. So ran 5k (27:35) and did my 4 burpees. Then I found a pullup bar and dip bars across the street from my house hiding in a park where they sell crack. How CrossFitting!


3:10 as rx'd PR


6:30 125#/ Gr-Gr Bands...very weak...4 Burpees


great time scotty


Thanks Gerry but it sucks doing it alone!!!


6:07 #145 b/g


12:54 as rxd


that it does, scotty

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  • We are located at 217 First Colonial Road, Suite #106, Virginia Beach, VA. 23454. From route 264 get off at the First Colonial Road South exit. Cross over Virginia Beach Blvd and we are in the office/warehouse park on the right. If you go over railroad tracks then you went too far!

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  • We were the first dedicated crossfit facility in the hampton roads area!!!!! Personal instruction as well as group classes are available. First responder and military discounts apply. We are passionate about Crossfit, working out, and living a healthy lifestyle. Our enthusiasm is evident in the way we conduct our business, live our lives, and treat our clients. We have a sincere desire to improve the quality of our client’s lives. Physical health spills over into all other facets of our lives. When you look, feel, and perform better, it shows in everything you do. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments. Thanks!