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September 26, 2008



Once again you make me yearn for the pain to come.


that is just dumb....


better trim those calluses back ladies and gents!





So, trainers, how much time do you have?


My palms are already having a closed-door session to discuss whether or not they will allow me to go forward with this workout today. Apparently their argument is that today should be my day off after four on. Maybe I'll just come by to cheer some masochists on.


September 27 - First CFVB Dream...
A large number of "followers" has shown up for the 5:30 class. Too many actually. Thomi is sort of freaking out about the number and she sort of gets bitchy as a reaction. Then this really obese girl from my office shows us the proper way to HSPU. She kind of just rolled up to the wall. Weird.


hahahahahahahahahaha.. i can't stop laughing!!!!!!


Wow...I was starting to miss you guys and the WODs, but this workout makes me kinda glad we have one more day here in Utah.


wish we had a pool......


This will be a fine opportunity to work on that butterfly kip that has been eluding me.

Adam....love the dream. I frequently have CrossFit dreams. Sometimes they are from CFVB and sometimes they are from seminars. I guess that stuff is usually on my mind most of the day, so it pops up when I go to sleep.

I have CrossFit nightmares about a land where every WOD is full of HSPUs and life is devoid of Diet Coke.

Lisa/Andrew.....you guys know you want to do this WOd!!!! ;)


19:38.....holy hands batman!!! qoute of the day from my chief as i returned from this WOD... this is not a joke....."you know you're wiped out when you drink a coke for breakfast and you still have no energy".....my head just fell on the desk. i wish that had been a dream.....


17.37rxd BCD#20 in w/u


22:17 rx'd

I left plenty of DNA today.


27:54, 2 rounds, green band, 125 lb deadlift. Prediction of next workout: 3 rounds for time of 80 HSPUs and 800m run.


Nick, let's hope you are wrong.


22:29 as rxd.. i was one of the few lucky ones that walked away today with only minimal damage..i'd like to thank robW with the pumice stone, for without his advice I would surely have shredded my hands :)


I need to order a Buddy Lee jump rope. Who's in for a group buy? Sign up on the white board.
Not pretty, 27:51 as rx'd +20 burpees.


16.40 rx'd


At Crossfit 801 with Tyson in Utah:

5 rounds for time:
10 bodyweight deadlifts
20 Box jumps
30 abmat situps

Andrew: 25:49 @150lbs & 40 inch tire stack
Lisa: 21:31 @135lbs & 20 inch tire

I have pictures of the proof of Andrew doing the 2 tire "box" jumps. I will send to you, Thomi. He was like a rabbit!...in a good way, I mean...he only missed the tires once in 100 jumps.


32:17 - not a good day, I had to laugh though b/c I found a piece of my hand that I had shoved in the pocket of my shorts at some point...
Yeti - I'm in to order a Buddy Lee - I'll put it on the board in the morning


Strong work everyone on today's WOD.

Andrew, wow! A 40" jump??!! That's awesome!

12:10 as rx'd (i think...maybe 12:40? 2nd guessing myself now)

Jon G...I did heavy deads before the WOD. The bar was not my friend today. I ended at 405# and it felt HEAVY. What did you end at? 750#? ;)


30:28 95# deadlift and green band, then to black band for last 35. I ate spinach at lunch today, but my inner popeye never showed up during my pull-ups.

Scotty and Stef

Stefani 19:48 @75 & 90 pull up
Scotty 20:18 as rx'd hands are hambuger thanks you for a good last workout will see you guys in a month

Jon Gilson


They pulled me out to Aromas for the Lvl I: DL'd 437 pounds in Budding's Wicked Awesome Compound. That one raised my blood pressure, so I called it.

Text me today's WOD: Thinking FGB isn't all that feasible out here, but will make due if that's what you're rocking.



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