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September 24, 2008



fran anyone???




I'm thinking I should attack something with some hspu's in it. Maybe Mary? Hmmmm.

Re-attempting the diet coke fasting after weezy's shocking comments on yesterday's blog! lol


i'm drinking a coke right now!


your balls will thank you, pat! and so will your hspu's. :-)hahaha...we will either fly this morning or go do Linda at wasatch crossfit. good luck, y'all!


Mmmm...Diet Coke.

Thomi CFVB

Well the 9am crew knocked out PRs all around! Great start to the day!


Pat: I'm up for Mary. I'll be there at 1730.


JT maybe, something that i really suck at???


I picked JT today. I learned the kipping HSPU(thats cool)and took 9 mins off my previous PR.


JT it is!

Jon Gilson

10 Rounds for time: 3 Snatches (115), 10 HSPUs

100 HSPUs? No problem! Except it took 44:21.


FRAN in 4.20rxd... PR by 2:24 from 7 July @ 6:44rxd
Keep at it Pat givin up vices is not easy I still crave those pints of Ben and Jerry's

Jason, why not Fran see if that Coke helped you or hurt u?????

18 Burpees in the W/U.
Someone remind me of this next time Adam has a brilliant idea.


Fran 5:31 PR

Hell yeah John, 420 fran. Nice work.


geez john, we gotta get you out more on the weekends to start slowing you down!! by the way jason drinks coke everyday.


14rds of Nate ughhhh....

Scotty and Stef

Scotty 4:41as px'd beat PR by 7sec
Stefani 1st time 9:08 @35lbs great job Stef


Anyone care to join me for "Makimba" at 7:00...


Thus far it's been a long and unpleasant journey with JT. First rx'd JT today at 19.04.


that coke helped me PR by 8 mins!!!!!!! hurrraaayyy coke!


Annie...8:20 PR Powered by Diet Coke.
Adam...thank you for the push!

John C

Filthy Fifties
PR 28:5? (its the only exercise i had with a record to beat)


Nice nutriion site in the top left of the page!
I couldn't decide on what to do for a workout, so i drank a glass of wine nstead;)


First date with Fran, that B!tch is CRAZY!
6:37 as rx'd, kicked my A$$
John and Joe - "Beastly" times on the Fran PR's, thanks for lobbying for Fran on the voicemail this morning John!


Thomi did Diane as rx'd: 17:06

I had my head up my a$$ and messed the WOD all up. I was suppossed to do 10rds for time of 3 Snatches @ 115# & 10 HSPU. For some reason I thought it was 5 rds. (that's probably what I wanted it to be)

So I did 5 rds in 17:52. Then Thomi and I went and got some Thai food. She checked the comments on her phone while we ate. She asked me why Jon Gilson did 10 rds and I only did 5 rds. Then it hit me that I messed up. Sh!t.

So, we headed back to the gym and I did another 5 precious rds of the WOD. Those 5 took me about 19:30. So my two times combined are under 40 minutes, but that was only possible by the 1 hour of rest/recovery I got at the thai joint. Straight through I think that WOD would run me close to 60 minutes.

Strong work, Jon! You crushed it!!!!

Everyone kicked serious @ss today. PR's were falling from the sky!!

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